Friday, May 9, 2014

Finally Mixed in Cardio on Day 5

I've been sticking faithfully by the diet but hadn't been able to work out until today. Couldn't get the treadmill to work so I popped in Dance Central for the Kinect and danced for 30 minutes instead. I wanted to go for an hour, but seeing as I was dying after 10 minutes, 30 is pretty good lol. 

I also finally figured out the best way to drink the meal replacement shakes, I was trying to blend them into my smoothies but it was making it too voluminous so I had to figure something out because I don't really care for the texture by itself. So. . . I mix the powder with water (shake to combine, not blend) then in the blender I make a very liquid "smoothie" with fruit, spinach, and either 100% juice or unsweetened green tea, then mix then shake the two to blend. Best part is that it actually keeps me full until lunch.

Finally took a "before picture" after I changed into workout clothes 
Please excuse the mess, by the time I finally felt like working out, and changed, and fought with the treadmill, I was in no mood to straighten up before taking the picture. Anyway, this is me "before", yes I'm a few days into the challenge and dieting but still pretty accurate. I am approx a size 10 in pants, size 8 in dresses, and while I have a fast metabolism that keeps me from being obese I am totally and completely out of shape, as in walking up the stairs makes me breath hard, out of shape. 

So here is to a healthier lifestyle, and feeling comfortable in my skin. 

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