Monday, May 26, 2014

Day One of 6-Week Work Out Plan

Still going strong on the 24 day challenge, a few slip ups but mostly on target which is nice. Started my workout plan tonight, it is a 6 and 12 week workout rolled into one.

First part is the Slim in Six Series which I do in the mornings 6 days a week for 6 weeks:

Then on top of that alternating nights will be the ab video that comes with the slim in six package and this cardio plan.

When I complete it, I think I'll sign up for a 5k. When the slim in six part is complete I will try P90X :).

Here is to hoping I am not too sore tomorrow.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Day 6

Well its 1:35 here and so far today I've worked out (dance central again), had a meal replacement shake, and gotten some homework done. Still not hungry for lunch, probably going to go shower and see where I am then. I refuse to eat until I am hungry.

Lunch will be a salad and fish. Not much else to say about today as I need to get some more homework done.

Only surprising thing today is that my arms are so sore. I never realized how much of a workout dancing was.

I am a quarter of a way through the challenge and still going strong. Yay me! 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Finally Mixed in Cardio on Day 5

I've been sticking faithfully by the diet but hadn't been able to work out until today. Couldn't get the treadmill to work so I popped in Dance Central for the Kinect and danced for 30 minutes instead. I wanted to go for an hour, but seeing as I was dying after 10 minutes, 30 is pretty good lol. 

I also finally figured out the best way to drink the meal replacement shakes, I was trying to blend them into my smoothies but it was making it too voluminous so I had to figure something out because I don't really care for the texture by itself. So. . . I mix the powder with water (shake to combine, not blend) then in the blender I make a very liquid "smoothie" with fruit, spinach, and either 100% juice or unsweetened green tea, then mix then shake the two to blend. Best part is that it actually keeps me full until lunch.

Finally took a "before picture" after I changed into workout clothes 
Please excuse the mess, by the time I finally felt like working out, and changed, and fought with the treadmill, I was in no mood to straighten up before taking the picture. Anyway, this is me "before", yes I'm a few days into the challenge and dieting but still pretty accurate. I am approx a size 10 in pants, size 8 in dresses, and while I have a fast metabolism that keeps me from being obese I am totally and completely out of shape, as in walking up the stairs makes me breath hard, out of shape. 

So here is to a healthier lifestyle, and feeling comfortable in my skin. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Day #1 of the 24 Day Challenge

Okay, so I got up 20 mins earlier than normal, and got my first two morning drinks down. The meal replacement shake didn't go as well, it was too thick, I'll drop the banana and add more liquid for next time, if I had been home I would have done that this morning but I was on my way to school and couldn't fix it. 

Then onto snacks, while I was at school I had one serving of flavored almonds, one granola bar, and a few slices of apples. So far so good.

When I got home I had a large salad with some fish. Also I am 750ml (one water bottle) away from my goal water intake today :).

I have an evening class and homework to do so not sure if I'll get any exercise in (other than walking all over campus to get to my classes) but will definitely start tomorrow as I get to stay home.

I meant to take pictures of what I was eating and the supplements as I took them but totally forgot, oops lol. I will try to start tomorrow or with my dinner tonight we shall see.

So excited to be taking the first step towards a healthier me.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy Early Birthday to Me :)

Beautiful Flowers were an early birthday surprise from the hubby, they smell fabulous :)


I will be starting my journey into a healthier lifestyle on Monday May 5th. Spending my last weekend celebrating my birthday (i.e. gorging on unhealthy foods), and prepping healthy foods for the week. All on top of my homework. 

I've decided to do the Advocare 24 day challenge to kick start my process, I will probably be over documenting my progress as a way to keep me on track.

Whether anyone follows my progress or not, I am excited to be started a better chapter in my life.
